Medical Release

To request a copy of your medical records for yourself or to have your medical records sent to a third-party, download and complete the Authorization for Release of Information Form below.  This form may also be obtained in the Health Information Management (HIM) Department. We prioritize record copy requests that are related to direct patient care. If your records are needed for a healthcare-related appointment, please provide the appointment date. We are not able to fulfill requests when the request form is incomplete. Once completed, please mail, fax, or drop off your completed form to the applicable HIM Department to the address or fax number listed at the top of the form. Note that in order to fulfill a request, other than those to treating providers, verification of photo identification is required.

Download our release of information form.

Public Records Request

The Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW) mandates that public agencies, including Grays Harbor Public District No. 2 (the District), make identifiable, non-exempt public records accessible for inspection and copying upon request. This is to be facilitated through clearly published policies that guide the public in accessing these records. The aim of the District's policy is to ensure full and timely access to its public records, while balancing individual privacy rights and efficient administration. The policy and the Act are interpreted with a bias towards disclosure. The District's approach to fulfilling the Act's requirements is governed by its provisions, emphasizing transparency and accessibility. However, it's important to note that access to certain District records might be regulated by other statutes or regulations, and may incur specific fees or fall under different District policies. This policy does not override any such applicable laws or District policies that govern access to these records.

Download the Public Records Request Policy
Download a Public Record Request